You would think I knew more about video than I do. I can fake my way through, like the time my kids were working on a video for a film festival at school. My two younger sons and a few of their friends were working on an entry for the comedy category of the school's first film festival. They had shot a lot of scenes (it was a documentary on tools, and it won first place), but they found they didn't have the proper software to get it off the video camera and onto my son's computer. I came home from work to find them frustrated and worried that they weren't going to be able to pull this whole film-making thing off. When I walked in the door, they all came running up the stairs spouting all the problems they were having. All I said was, "I'm not sure how to fix this, but I have a Mac in my backpack." We plugged the video camera into my Mac, iMovie opened, and the rest is history. I looked like a genius, but I didn't really have to do anything.
Fast-forward about a year. As I said in a previous post, I finally joined the smartphone brigade, and I didn't mess around. I got an HTC EVO 4G, and I have to say that this phone is rockin'. I considered the slightly smaller version, but the bigger screen was a draw for my aging eyes, and the 8 megapixel camera intrigued me. I just took about a minute and a half of video (lovely footage of my garden, don't you know), dumped it onto my computer, imported it into iMovie, and all I can say is Wow! That is one heck of a camera on that phone. If I ever thought I might want to buy a video camera, I'm done with that idea. I've got one.
For me, once again, a lot of my interest is academic. I'm working with plenty of people who need video to teach their classes - intro videos for online classes, videos of people solving problems, videos of lab techniques - you name it. Figuring out the workflow for posting these kinds of things still isn't easy at a lot of institutions unless you want to use YouTube, and many universities and faculty members are uncomfortable posting videos that are part of course work on YouTube. There are some possibilities on the horizon (Kaltura, for instance), but for some reason at IU, it has taken a lot of time for people to come around to an easy video solution for course-related video. Considering the quality of video that you can produce at any moment, we've got to do something about that.
Well, at least we can stop buying video cameras for people to check out. Just about everyone has a pretty decent one in their pocket. Now what do I do with it? I'm not sure, but watch out. I'm going to go get a YouTube account...
I'm always learning about learning. With this blog I'm trying to force myself to take small sips from the firehose of information on learning and reflect a bit. It's mostly a place for me to muse, but I hope to connect with others while I'm at it.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Going mobile
OMG, I finally got a smart phone. I knew I needed to catch up with the rest of the world, especially the college student world, in order to be effective in my job as an instructional technologist. I want to be able to understand firsthand what the affordances of truly mobile technology mean to my ability to engage with things I'm learning. I've had an iPad for just under a year, but I wax hot and cold with that. It's not quite mobile enough because I'm really a hands-free person. I don't want to have to carry something as big as an iPad - a smart phone still fits in my pocket.
So what does it do for me? It makes email even more intrusive, which may not be my favorite thing, but I think it makes it much easier to keep track of my thoughts. You may not think my thoughts are all that important (but, hey, you're reading this), but my work life is getting increasingly fast-paced. Thinking about the things that are important to me, like how mobile technology is affecting education let's say, is hard to do in the middle of the whirlwind that is my life, professional or otherwise. When I read something, think of something, see something, I want to be able to note it. I may not be able to think about it at that moment, but it keeps it from flying in one side of my brain and out the other.
I've heard people say that their lives are on their phones, and I always thought it was kind of sad. The truth is that our lives are increasingly in the cloud - that's getting increasingly scary, but it's so darn powerful and convenient. It is both compelling and insidious, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. All I know is that I'm typing this in Evernote, so I can access it anywhere on all my devices...
Back to what it means to me and my brain. I'm dealing with information overload just like everyone else, and I think I'm finding that time and organization to reflect and digest some fraction of the information is important to my thought process and my ability to learn from everything that is coming at me. I've only had it for a week, but it makes it possible for me to carve out some extra time to think about things and be able to pick up from where I left off.
What will it mean to teaching and learning? Can we convince students that their classes should be part of their lives that go on on their phones? Better yet, can we find a way to make education important enough and authentic enough to be part of their lives? This is a big key. Right now mainstream education is in its own silo for many students. Until it becomes connected to things that students do and see on a day-to-day basis, it will stay there. Not all learning has to be uber-academic learning. We are not fostering intellectual curiosity in our students because we are generally ineffective at getting them to care. I've seen glimmers of hope that having students on the lookout for examples of things they are learning as they go about their business really increases their engagement with the subject. That connectedness goes a long way towards developing curiosity, and smart phones can help students, notice, comment on, and share the connections they are seeing. And when they share them, they are likely to make a wisecrack about them - the wisecracks are often insightful, you know. Let's set the students free (at least a little bit) to wisecrack about how they are beginning to participate in the disciplines they are learning.
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